Welcome to the FishFORWRD Database
Developed in Partnership by ROSA, Attentive Energy, and WSP
FishFORWRD | Fish and Fisheries OffshoRe Wind Database
How to use this Dashboard
Explanation of Tabs
Research Overview: View completed and ongoing projects with high level attributes. This includes funded research and implemented offshore wind developer Fisheries Monitoring Plans.
FishFORWRD Full View: Interact with raw data and download database directly to your local computer. Find term definitions and references.
Submit Project: Submit information to update and improve FishFORWRD.
Total Project Count
Total Unique Research Categories
Total Identified Needs
For support, issue reporting, or for features you’d like to see - contact: info@rosascience.org
This dashboard was last published: 2025-01-21 Version 2.1.0
Find full project information and identified research needs in FishFORWRD Full View tab
Submit Information to the FishFORWRD Database
Use the following links to send project information, research needs, or corrections.
Your submission will be QA/QC'ed and added to the database during our next biannual update.
Additional Resources
See the links provided below for additional resources.
ROSA Regional Research Coordination
FishFORWRD is just one of ROSA’s tools and resources aimed to bridge gaps in knowledge, promote efficient resource use, and create shared frameworks for research and data management. This page holds more tools, resources and programs to promote regional coordination.
ROSA Data Governance Program
Looking for data? ROSA is currently building its Data Governance Program to create guidance and support data sharing with consistent policies, processes, data standards, and workflows that can be used by everyone in the data ecosystem. This webpage will hold the most up to date information.
RWSC Research Planning Map
RWSC and ROSA are in the process of developing and populating a web-based map to support offshore wind research planning. The Research Planning Map will display the locations of ongoing offshore wind research activities in U.S. Atlantic waters, including the locations of deployed sensors, survey transects, seafloor mapping footprints, and more.
RWSC Offshore Wind and Wildlife Research Database
This database holds research projects and data collection activities on wildlife. Specifically marine mammals, birds & bats, sea turtles, habitat & ecosystem, protected fish species.
Tethys Knowledge Base for Fish
This knowledge base provides access to documents and information from around the world about the environmental effects of wind energy. This link filters these results to “Fish.”
NYSERDA Mitigation Practices Database Tool
This tool is a searchable database of potential mitigation practices that may be relevant to avoiding, minimizing, offsetting and restoring potential effects of offshore wind energy development on wildlife, the environment, and fisheries.