This page provides access to the presentations and discussion from the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Annual Meeting where ROSA and other partners co-hosted a symposium, Offshore Wind, Fish, and Fisheries – Emerging Knowledge and Applications. Sections below include: Research Priorities; Lessons Learned; Floating Wind; Monitoring; and Discussion.
*Disclaimer: All files are posted with permission of the authors. For purposes of citation or attribution, please contact authors directly. Only one team of presenters (Ober and Chen) did not respond to repeated requests.
Research Priorities
- Elizabeth Methratta, Angela Silva, Andrew Lipsky, Kathryn Ford, Douglas Christel, and Lisa Pfeiffer
NOAA Priorities for Offshore Wind and Fisheries Science in the Northeast Region - Lyndie Hice-Dunton and Mike Pol
Developing a Framework for Identifying Regional Research and Monitoring Needs
Lessons Learned
- Greg DeCelles
Considerations and Lessons Learned for Designing Offshore Wind Fisheries Monitoring Surveys - Morgan Brunbauer, Kate McClellan Press, Brian Dresser, and Kate Williams
Effective Stakeholder Engagement in Offshore Wind Energy Development: NYS’s Technical Working Groups - Mike Pol and Lyndie Hice-Dunton
No Bed of Roses: Regional Data Coordination and Offshore Wind Development
Floating Wind
- Kathryn White
Early Opportunities in the Pacific to Design Floating Offshore Wind to Coexist with Fisheries - Everett Rzeszowski and Damian Brady
Pre-Deployment Monitoring of the American Lobster Fishery for a Floating Wind Installation - Christine M. Moffitt and Michael Graybill
Floating Offshore Wind: How Does It Compare with Other Options?
- Jason Kinnell and Matthew Bingham
Recreational Fishing Impacts of the Block Island Wind Farm - Christopher Rillahan, Crista Bank, and Pingguo He
Developing a Trawl Survey for Offshore Wind Development: Experiences and Challenges - Dara Wilber, Lorraine Brown, Matthew Griffin, Greg DeCelles, and Drew Carey
Responses of Demersal Fish and Invertebrates to Block Island Wind Farm - Claire Ober, Yong Chen
Ecological Modeling to Inform Fisheries-Independent Survey Programs for Offshore Wind Development (Presentation Not Provided) - David Secor, Michael O’Brien, and Vyachelsav Lyubchich
Before-After-Gradient Fishery Monitoring Design in the US Wind Lease Area OCS-A0490 - Kyle Newton, Tobey Curtis, Taylor Chapple, Claire Ober, and Yong Chen
Do Offshore Wind Emfs Impact the Behavior, Movement, and Distribution of Marine Fauna? (Video Here) - Daniel Hasselman, Charles Bangley, Joel Culina, and Fred Whoriskey
Understanding the Risks of Tidal Energy Development to Fish Using Acoustic Telemetry - Shannon O’Leary, Jason Adolf, and Keith Dunton
Integration of Environmental DNA Surveys in Fisheries Monitoring Plans for Offshore Wind